Reading Circles can be conducted by having the tutor focus on one book that the participants read together. In this case, the tutor starts by reading aloud while the others read along. The tutor models the physical act of following along by running a finger on the page to follow the text as one listens. Suggest the readers also use a silent voice to physically form the words they are reading as they listen to their tutor. This indirect feedback helps participants to identify words and phrases they have challenges saying aloud. It also serves as a means for participants to practice asking for tutors for feedback by asking the tutor to repeat phrases , words and sounds they need work on. Also, the tutor can ask participants to take turns to practice reading aloud. The reading aloud activities need to be done in a supportive environment, so participants can rehearse and ask questions and try out words, phrases and intonation and stress on words, phrases and sentences in a circle of trust and acceptance.
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